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Expansion of the RMB exchange rate market volatility is the only way

 Published:2014-02-26 03:28:00    Source:    Views:1710

 Expansion of the RMB exchange rate market volatility is the only way

Yesterday, the spot exchange rate of RMB suddenly accelerated depreciation , opening the breakthrough 6.10,6.11,6.12 three mark, the highest red to near 6.1238 . Previously, the RMB exchange rate has fallen for five days . In other words , if the foreign investor has $ 100 million in foreign exchange trading , and now more than a week ago comparable exchange 1.36 million yuan .
This year, the RMB exchange rate and the spot price was in the middle of last month, both record highs since the exchange reform . From the RMB exchange rate reform to date , more than 30 percent appreciation . In recent years, " rose and endless" RMB exchange rate , and now suddenly come to a " stumble endlessly ," because nothing is international and domestic two factors : the international factor is the Federal Reserve cut QE, the overall weakness in emerging market exchange rates ; domestic factors is China's economy slowdown in the real estate market once again raised concerns health status and the expected February exports condition declined.
However , China has huge foreign exchange reserves , and also increased in the fourth quarter increased by $ 131 billion last year . January -than-expected rebound in exports , the trade surplus expanded 14 percent year on year . Therefore, even if China's economic growth fell in the international market have this fear , in fact, the impact of the yuan and not many people want to be so big . After all, China 's capital account is not open , the scale of capital outflows restricted . Conversely , with the recovery in global demand, China 's trade situation is expected to improve during the year , export growth will be strong again . Visible, the RMB exchange rate continues to appreciate the fundamentals have not changed . That why the RMB exchange rate swerve ? Market speculation seems to be accusing him of leading central banks to purchase foreign exchange intervention .stone coated steel roofing china