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German service center in Foshan

 Published:2014-02-27 03:10:53    Source:    Views:1651

 German service center in Foshan

German service center in Foshan Foshan City in the German Investment and Development Co., Ltd. Foshan in the first Sino-German project development and construction of industrial services , Foshan German industrial service area to become China - EU Cooperation Demonstration Zone urbanization , modern town of Lingnan culture , a representative of German industry to upgrade the service area .
Projects to new industry cluster as a platform to " lead system" as a precondition to "drawing skills " and " bring wisdom " as the core , rigorous learning German , learning German advanced technology , integration advantages of local manufacturing industries in Foshan , help Foshan industrial upgrading and adjustment .
German companies were introduced , in addition to providing policy information to the presence service center or intentionally stationed German companies , finance and insurance , legal advice, training and business exhibition and a full range of medical and other life supporting services for the investment and cooperation of Chinese enterprises in Germany , the project also provides services. Currently , investors have set up branches in Germany.
These practices are also thinking "Guangdong Foshan German industrial service area development plan ( 2013-2030 years ) " coincides , according to the plan, the introduction of German industrial enterprises in the service area , will also actively promote the "go global " Cross-border cooperation and encourage local enterprises to Germany and other European countries, acquisitions or new business.
Four questions : how to attract German resources ?
German companies were said to be impressed by German companies , we must first create a job for them here , real community life in Germany , as German companies led by European companies to enter the South China comprehensive services. German businesses and workers to make sense to Foshan , just like Germany , and even in some respects better than in Germany .
Currently , German companies were working on aspects of Foshan , Guangdong and even before 10 leading companies in each industry questionnaires distributed , so that enterprises want and Germany proposed collaboration needs , and then according to their needs, purposefully went to Germany related industry leader enterprises, targeted to promote their cooperation and negotiations.
This year , the German company also plans to set up case information website platform , after the completion of the platform , China and Germany in the future are available through its first docking .
According to another investment CLC, today groundbreaking project site area will be invited German industrial services consultant , Dr. Lothar Demeiqiai German politicians and so on.
" German Chancellor Angela Merkel was Lothar Demeiqiai secretary , as a wise and respected , Lothar Demeiqiai get national recognition in Germany, his participation in the future to give the German service center the introduction of German companies play a good role in the spread . " Zhou Jianchuan said.
Chita D
Changes in the German Centre
"German Center" is a management committee consists of a number of German banks , associations and other institutions in the 1990s in Germany established . One of the first mission of its existence , is to enter the investment and cooperation of other countries to build a bridge for the German SMEs. Previously , there were already seven centers in Germany , two in Germany, the center of China respectively in 1994 and 1999 in Beijing and on the point of Cheb .