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Nigeria central bank said it would expand the ban on the import of purchase pr

 Published:2015-08-09 06:07:18    Source:    Views:1247

Nigeria's central bank said it would expand the ban on the import of purchase products and services list


Article source: business office in Nigeria embassy 16:20 2015-08-05
According to Nigeria's "today" reported on August 3, the Indonesian Central Bank (CBN) President Amy Feller recently said, in order to maintain foreign exchange reserves, alleviate naira depreciation pressure, the central bank did not change after the introduction of the banned the import of foreign policy, and will in the domestic supply to satisfy the needs of the market under the premise, the more products and services included in the ban imports of foreign exchange purchase list. Amy Feller further explained that the central bank does not prohibit the products in the import list, just stop the corresponding purchase service, if the importer to obtain foreign exchange from other legal channels, can be carried out as usual import business.
On June 23, Indonesian central bank has issued a notice, banned imports of 41 kinds of goods and services to purchase foreign exchange business, another purpose of this policy is to promote the development of domestic industries and increase employment opportunities. But in Lagos Business Federation (LCCI) and other business groups rankled, believes that the implementation of the policy of enterprise production and operating activities bring severe challenges, the leading part industry so frustrated, serious unemployment. (china stone coated steel roofing tiles   china stone coated metal roof manufacutrers   china stone veneers