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Nigeria unions announced the suspension of the strike

 Published:2012-01-18 03:31:51    Source:    Views:5266

Nigeria unions announced the suspension of the strike


 Text a comment (0 participants) at 13:47 on January 17, 2012 Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website Copy the link print medium and small 16 at 13:00, head of Nigeria's two main trade unions announced the suspension of a nationwide strike. 17, the Nepalese social activities back to normal.

 Consulate General in Lagos, Lagos airport to the understanding, 17, the Nepalese domestic and international flights back to normal. China to be reunited with returning personnel, please contact the flight path and the various airlines flight issues.

 Chinese Consulate General reminds leaders and institutions pay attention to the region to track the whole Neanderthal situation, strengthen the prevention, reduction visiting crowded places, away from sensitive sites and buildings. In case of emergency, please call our duty phone 00234-8056666116 Consular Protection Center.

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