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the international shipping market price is rising

 Published:2011-04-30 04:13:51    Source:    Views:5636

1. Economic recovery, export growth showed a full recovery

Since March of this year, the international shipping market started to rise, mainly due to capacity and the volume of conflicts. Financial crisis, economic recovery in Europe and America and other developed countries, full recovery of our export growth, Customs data shows that 1-May, import and export value $ 1,100,090,000,000, up 44%, of which exports 567.74 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 33.2%; imports 532.35 billion U.S. dollars, up 57.5%, which, in May total import and export 243.99 billion U.S. dollars, up 48.4%; exports rose 48.5%, a record export value of the fourth high.

2. National macro-policy adjustment, early delivery is serious

This year the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation issued a "commodity export tax rebate on the cancellation of part of the notice" from the July 15 decision to cancel, including some from steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and other fields of 406 tariff lines product export tax rebates. In this context, the domestic owner of the New Deal before the implementation of the tax rebate, have shipped in advance to allow the container to re-climax, burst tanks, grab the phenomenon of endless space, this is the off-season in the second quarter there have been counter-quarter trend of rising freight containers become a trend. This year, the sea rose as well as some recovery of rises, but does not rule out the owner who wants to seize the opportunity to earn a return fierce, eager to restore the losses during the financial crisis.

3. Liner companies operating costs, boosting freight rates

Rising oil prices, rising labor costs, shipping lines operating costs has become an important reason for upgrading. At the same time ship, and logistics sections of container prices to be outdone, will inevitably lead to increased operating costs, and strive to balance, liner companies will have to pass this cost on to the freight.

4. International shipping market is very complex, does not rule out the ocean predators with monopolistic behavior and industry specificity of the non-normal competitive behavior.



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