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Guangzhou: the capital and logistics center of guangdong province.

 Published:2011-04-04 07:11:01    Source:    Views:4717

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Strong international logistics system. In Guangzhou, if you purchase items of less than a container volume, we can provide you with a few to a dozen cubic bulk shipping services. The bulk shipping in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province --- very convenient, but like other provinces in China It is very difficult to do.

Guangdong get  strategic location in china, has always been known as China's southern gateway to the world around. The Greater Pearl River Delta into the Guangzhou - Shenzhen - Hong Kong as the axis of the world-class international logistics center, is the future of the logistics industry in Guangdong development.

Guangzhou: the capital and logistics center of guangdong province.

At present, Guangzhou has brought about the rise of several large  logistics market,

Shenzhen: modern logistics carrier

According to statistics, a famous multinational logistics enterprises have settled more than 50 roots in Shenzhen, Shenzhen, along with the rapid development of domestic logistics companies, a shipping port in Hong Kong as the center of the industrial system has taken shape.

Shenzhen, Guangdong province, Hong Kong has undertaken about 35% of the foreign trade container transportation share, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, container trailer about the size of 50% to 60%, air, ocean and courier services and so the volume of business also in the lead.

Yantian District, behind the development of export control as a new third-party warehouse logistics, has become the largest export control storage base. Yantian port throughput to rapid growth in geometric progression,
Europe and other regions of the logistics giant more southern China in Shenzhen and the procurement of goods, and direct exports in Yantian District, the rear base of cannibalization warehousing, packaging and distribution, by ocean-going ships to Shenzhen in southern China chemical raw materials, Footwear and other goods shipped to Europe and North America.