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Building Materials Industry Association was founded in Foshan City

 Published:2013-12-29 03:16:30    Source:    Views:1316

 Building Materials Industry Association was founded in Foshan City

Foshan City is a large building, Building Materials Industry Association recently Foshan formally established. It is understood, Foshan City, the building materials industry association will "promote the building materials industry, technological progress, and promote energy saving building materials industry, building materials industry, promote industrial upgrading" for the purpose, sponsored by 10 companies.
"In the absence to make achievements, get pre-approved, Foshan City Building Materials Industry Association do not charge dues." Foshan building materials industry association official said the government will undertake special projects through, as well as to provide enterprises with trade, technology, management, training, design other aspects of the paid services, access to some of the costs to maintain the operation of the Association.