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Building Materials Market in Middle East ? Six Gulf countries directly cont

 Published:2014-01-15 06:18:51    Source:    Views:1620

 Building Materials Market in Middle East



Six Gulf countries directly contributing to the growth of the construction materials market in the market, according to leading market research firm Friedrich Manchester . Freshly baked Sullivan report , Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the future of the country 's most vigorous demand for construction materials , the former being a massive construction infrastructure and housing , which is also to host the 2022 World Cup makeover.

It is reported that the six Gulf countries in the Middle East , China and European brands tiles have accounted for more than 50% market share , and the rest of the food by the local producers and other countries, including Malaysia, India, Egypt and other countries , their tile products accounted for about 25% of the market. In the six Gulf countries local producers , the UAE tile companies dominate the majority of the UAE currently tile production for local consumption , only 12% of the tiles for export.china stone coated steel roofing tiles

The report said the six countries in the Middle East Gulf tile market is highly sensitive to product prices , and the building materials market due to durable and more popular. In addition, an increase in imports of Chinese products illustrates the market demand for high quality products.

A spokesman for Dover if Manchester & Sullivan said , " Only local enterprises to expand production capacity , increased marketing efforts , good balance existing distribution system in order to reduce the market share of foreign brands . Foreign brands in this market is a strong local one of the biggest challenges facing businesses now have the intention of most local dealers operating porcelain materials market , because they get a greater profit in cooperation with manufacturers in china . "
" Personalized products, products rich , carefully precise marketing channels , optimize production processes to reduce production costs , are all recent local enterprises must fully solve the problem ." The spokesperson added.