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91.8 billion!Huge building materials in Nigeria imports growth

 Published:2015-01-04 13:40:06    Source:    Views:1343



91.8 billion!Huge building materials in Nigeria imports growth



Source: China machinery and equipment production portal release date: (2014-12-22) classification: the international market font: big in small
Abstract: industrial, trade and investment minister forrest gump, Nigeria has said that Nigeria import building materials more than about $3.3 billion a year.

Industrial, trade and investment minister forrest gump, Nigeria has said that Nigeria import building materials more than about $3.3 billion a year.


If measures are not taken to promote the development of domestic manufacturing industry, the number in the next few years could climb to (RMB 91.8 billion), and the iron and steel industry development is the premise of building materials industry development.

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