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newsunlight metal roofing manufactures development

 Published:2011-04-11 13:41:27    Source:    Views:7989


With the Canton Fair is approaching,in newsunlight  stone coated metal roofing factory,new and old customers recently convergenced here. by the side of the production lines now there are a lot of costomers with diffrent color of skin and
diffrent wear style,because of they are from diffrent countries. after saw the investment for newsunlight  stone coated metal roofing factory has started producting metal roofing sheets, Customers can not help but repeatedly praise for the great development of xiecheng metal roofing manufacture..

Some customers can see our products in the market potential power, they also want to build their own factory for metal roofing in their own state investment money. But this is not an easy thing. Our  Directors try to keep in production, innovation, and from all over all overthe country, all aspects of experts and technical personnel gave new sunlight  stone coated metal roofing  the progress made valuable comments. These will not be a  achieved Things. within a short time.

Now new sunlight  stone coated metal roofing  production scale get a huge leap forward. Monthly export volume can reach more than thirty  containers. We and the world of building materials merchants get cooperative development and progress,  Send our products all over the world. new sunlight  stone coated metal roofing have been expanding, customers are also growing in volume of orders, indicating that our foreign distributors are also grown in strength, this is a win-win
Results. NEW SUNLIGHT stone coated metal roofing  will strictly control the quality of products, the full implementation of the needs of customers, the bigger piece of cake.

Today NEW SUNLIGHT stone coated metal roofing customers in Asia, the Americas and Africa. In the new year, metal roofing business have to rely on the network , spread our metal roofing system to every corner of the world. Small tiles, become the communication between us and the world.

around this years,the earth's crust into the active cycle, lightweight construction materials will be increasingly valued and welcomed. Grasp the pulse of the world, NEW sunlight  stone coated metal roofing conform to the needs of the times for us. I hope  NEW SUNLIGHT stone coated metal roofing give the contributions and great energy for The beauty of buildings, and also for the protection of human life and property to contribute our strength.