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stone coated metal roofing system for the people of the earthquake zone

 Published:2011-04-17 22:57:25    Source:    Views:8180

JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM for the people of the earthquake zone to bring the Gospel

"China Habitat Environment Award evaluation index system" in a considerable proportion of housing quality. In China, due to economic constraints, there are a considerable number of poor people's living conditions, and thus fail to livable standards. Meanwhile, China is a disaster-prone countries, Especially in recent years, earthquakes continued. According to historical records, the 20th century, China has more than 6 earthquake occurred 800 times, all over the addition of Guizhou and Zhejiang provinces and outside the Region in all provinces.

According to experts, JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM with exclusive residential system. The residential housing system changed the traditional prevalence of fire, poor performance and the cost of higher corrosion defects. Demolition of the old JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING  SYSTEM recovered, after crushing the production of new metal materials can be recycled to achieve.

Test results came back, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region instructed the relevant personnel departments dedicated to manufacturing JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM to order. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is located in the earthquake due to regional, autonomous regions and related to the leadership of fear after the earthquake in Wenchuan, which A new type of light steel structure residential appearance, the solution to their urgent needs. Since then, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region launched a new home construction engineering work stuffed with farmers. In order for people to accept the new Autonomous Region of the residential system, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Government issued special Brochures, and sent home to explain the professionals, and ultimately, in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region established its first JULI JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM residential, welcomed by the local people.

STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM national technical specifications for the introduction of residential

China Academy of Building Research experts said, JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING  SYSTEM system as early as 2004 by the former Ministry of Construction Science and Technology Department Organization experts, the experts agreed that the building system has significant social Efficiency, environmental and economic benefits, using integrated technology to leading domestic level, with the popularization and application conditions. Since then, theJULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM by the former Ministry of Construction Science and Technology Department as a "small country towns advanced Appropriate technology and products, "the former Ministry of Housing Industrialization Promotion Center as a" national demonstration project selected parts and products. "

. The use of cold-formed light steel frame system, can be processed in the factory to the site after molding assembly, fast, convenient, lightweight, high strength, corrosion, steel is less, low cost and good seismic performance. Tsinghua University has conducted seismic testing this structure, the structure of 9 degrees by the earthquake, JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING  SYSTEM is still intact. By the In the flexible structural system, you can build a variety of Chinese, European, American, Japanese and Korean-style and other styles of architecture.


In fact, the light steel structure house is very common in Western countries. Data showed that the U.S. was the first by JULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING  SYSTEM one of the countries and regions, in view of the economy, security, performance (earthquake, fire), and the durability of comprehensive consideration Housing developers to turn more and more businessJULI GAO ®STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM, the value will soon be widely recognized. In 1965, STONE COATED METAL ROOFING SYSTEM residential construction market in the United States accounted for only 15% of up to 53% in 1990, rising to 68% in 1993, 2000 Years has risen to 75%. Despite different national conditions, but can also see the future of light steel structure house has become a residential development.

Moreover, as China is an earthquake-prone countries, the main light steel structure residential structure because of its earthquake-resistant 11, periphery structure of the use of lightweight materials, so, experts say, is very suitable for large earthquakes in the region to promote the building structure .
Experts suggest that national authorities should be introduced to support the promotion of light steel structure residential preferential policies to encourage developers, manufacturers, and jointly promote the light steel structure housing the people in the earthquake zone of promotion and use.