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stone coated steel roof -break news

 Published:2017-09-08 14:48:01    Source:    Views:4667

 The central parity of RMB against the U.S. dollar rose 237 basis points again, even up ten days

Times News 09, 08, 09:41 Securities Times Network
Securities Times Network (www.stcn.com) 09 08 hearing
According to the China foreign exchange trading center data, in September 8th the central parity of RMB against the U.S. dollar reported 6.5032, an increase of 237 basis points, for ten consecutive days up.
China authorized foreign exchange trading center announced the people's Bank of Chinese, September 8, 2017 the interbank foreign exchange market, the RMB exchange rate: $1 for 6.5032 yuan, 1 euro for 7.8013 yuan, 100 yen for 5.9840 yuan, HK $1 for 0.83337 yuan, 1 pound of 8.4930 yuan, 1 yuan to 5.2227 yuan in Australia 1 New Zealand dollars, to 4.6999 yuan, 1 yuan Singapore for 4.8413 yuan, 1 Swiss francs to 6.8262 yuan, 1 Canada yuan to 5.3550 yuan, 1 yuan of 0.64851 ringgit Malaysia, 1 yuan for 8.7816 russian rubles, RMB 1 yuan for the 1.9745 South African rand, 1 yuan of 173.90 won 1 yuan to 0.56648 yuan, in the United Arab Emirates, RMB 1 yuan of 0.57841 Saudi Riyals, 1 yuan for 39.2155 HUF 1 yuan, Poland 0.54496 zloty, 1 yuan of 0.9542 DKK, RMB 1 to SEK 1.2213, 1 yuan for the 1.1923 Norway crowns, 1 yuan for the 0.52510 Turkey lira, 1 yuan for 2.7236 pesos in Mexico.
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