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Nepal sanitary ware industry booming

 Published:2017-10-12 02:16:49    Source:    Views:4546

 1Nepal sanitary ware industry booming

Nepal's residential and commercial construction industry is growing rapidly, which has directly contributed to the rapid rise in the Nepal sanitary ware market, particularly in urban areas. Nepalese traders said that the current market value reached 8 billion rupiah (Indonesian currency unit), although the official data is not so much.
In the latest financial NRB data show that last year, Nepal imported sanitary ware output from India reached 2 billion 770 million rupiah. It also imports from China, Spain, the United States and Italy. At present, Somany, Kajaria, American, Standard and other international big names have gradually entered the Nepalese market. Pradip Kumar Jha, head of Somany Nepal, said that Somany's growth last year was 25%. As long as Nepal's real estate industry continues to develop, then the sanitary ware market will not be weak.
Not only in Kathmandu, you can see that the sanitary ware market is developing rapidly, and the market of Nepal's sanitary ware is booming, especially in the cities and towns. According to the most recent data, Nepal currently has 191 municipalities, due to the improvement of state subsidies and welfare policies, more and more people's income, which has promoted the development of urbanization, and promote the development of the real estate industry and related industries.

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